November 26, 2024
Media contact: National Consumers League – Lisa McDonald,, 202-207-2829
WASHINGTON, DC – The National Consumers League applauds the action by President Joe Biden to allow millions of Americans on Medicare and Medicaid to have coverage for new and very effective anti-obesity medicines (AOMs), thereby removing one of the biggest obstacles impeding access to quality obesity care in the country.
At a time when obesity has become the nation’s most widespread chronic disease, it worsens the outcomes of more than 230 other chronic diseases, and is responsible for an estimated 400,000 premature deathsannually, the proposed rule issued by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) has the potential to save lives and improve the health outcomes of 7.4 million Americans. This includes approximately four million adult Medicaid enrollees who would gain new access to anti-obesity medicines and an estimated 3.4 million Medicare beneficiaries whose treatment with AOMS would be covered, reducing their out-of-pocket costs by as much as 95 percent.
The cost of new anti-obesity medicines is an obvious concern to organizations like NCL, the public health community, and policymakers. However, CMS’s proposed expansion of Medicare and Medicaid coverage for a new class of injectable GPL-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor) agonists that can achieve a substantial weight loss (up to 20 percent) represents an important investment in the improved health of Americans.
“Today’s proposed action is a major step forward in ensuring that adults with obesity get the same quality care and access to treatments as those with the 230 chronic conditions where obesity is a significant factor,” says Nancy Glick, National Consumers League Director of Food and Nutrition Policy. “Today, only 10 percent of people with obesity get help from medical professionals, meaning the disease remains largely undiagnosed and undertreated. If CMS’s proposed rule is implemented, it will go a long way towards closing this obesity treatment gap, especially since health insurance companies closely align coverage decisions with Medicare policy.”
In January 2024, NCL worked with the National Council on Aging and leading obesity experts to issue the first Obesity Bill of Rights for the nation, which establishes eight essential rights so people with obesity will be screened, diagnosed, counseled, and treated according to medical guidelines. The Right to Coverage for Treatment is one of these essential rights and will become a reality for millions of Americans on Medicare and Medicaid if CMS’s proposal goes into effect.
About the National Consumers League (NCL)
The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit