Our Impact
The work of the National Consumers League is making a difference in people’s lives across the country. Meet some of the consumers touched by our programs.
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Preventing yet another victim
Paige, 55, a Nashville wife and mother of two, answered an employment ad for secret shoppers. Before sending payment to the scammers, she reached out to NCL.
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Building a stronger generation
A grease fire flared up in Decklan’s kitchen. As his family scrambled and panicked, fearing that the whole house might erupt in flames, Decklan remained calm. He hurried over to the pantry, grabbed some baking soda, and dumped it on the fire quickly extinguishing the blaze.
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Script Your Future saved my life
Cincinnati resident Charles, 45, lost his computer business — and health insurance— during a time of economic downturn. A diabetic, Charles was now unable to afford his medication. He stopped taking it which made him seriously ill and put his life at risk.
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For a safer workplace
Jeremy is a fast-food worker who has been employed at a number of Chipotle restaurants in New York City. When he was just 20 years old, he took part in an NCL research project that revealed that management practices within the fast food chain were putting workers—and food safety for customers—at risk.
Read about NCL’s impact
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)
Brian Isetts, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC)
Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA)
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Food and Drug Administration – Office of Women’s Health (OWH)
America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP)
Health insurance providers continue to take decisive action to support their members amid the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring that Americans have access to diagnostic testing, treatment, and COVID-19 vaccination. AHIP recently released a dedicated resource page on COVID-19 vaccines, which highlights everything health insurance providers are doing, from providing access to FDA-approved vaccines to educating Americans about the need for vaccines. AHIP is also partnering with the Ad Council on a national COVID-19 vaccine education effort to increase confidence in vaccination against COVID-19. Developed in partnership with COVID Collaborative, the initiative will reach key audiences across the country through research-driven creative campaigns, strategic media placements, community outreach and trusted messenger engagement–representing one of the largest public education efforts in history.
The Modern Medicaid Alliance, of which AHIP is a founding member, announced new COVID-19 data now available on its Medicaid Dashboard. In addition to providing the latest, most comprehensive Medicaid enrollment research and polling for all 50 states plus the District of Columbia, the recently updated Dashboard now includes a new feature dedicated to demonstrating COVID-19’s impact on Medicaid at the national and state levels. The new COVID-19 data finds that enrollment in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) increased by nearly 6 percent nationwide from December 2019 to June 2020. An additional 5.03-10.25 million people are projected to enroll in the Medicaid program through December 2022 as a result of the COVID-19 crisis, according to modeling from Health Management Associates (HMA).
To learn more about health insurance providers actions to support Americans amid the COVID-19 crisis, AHIP, or the Modern Medicaid Alliance, contact Nicole Eynard at neynard@ahip.org
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP)
ASHP has developed new COVID-19 resources that are open to the public: a Vaccine FAQ developed jointly with the American Nurses Association, and a new resource guide on the security, storage, and handling of the COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized by the FDA. This guide serves as a current reference document to support our members and other providers who are serving on the front lines of the vaccine rollout. To access additional resources and information, ASHP invites you to visit ASHP’s COVID-19 microsite.
Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO)
BIO continues to raise awareness and advance policies that address antimicrobial resistance (AMR), a public health crisis that puts modern medicine at risk. Antibiotic-resistant infections are a growing problem, particularly for public health responses to pandemics such as COVID-19, for which secondary bacterial and fungal infections can have deadly consequences. BIO is working on policies that both ensure a sustainable pipeline of new antibiotics as well as patient access to these medicines. Alongside organizations like the National Consumers League and their important work on medication adherence via Script Your Future, BIO hopes to help make a difference. Learn more about BIO’s initiative Working to Fight AMR, which issued its latest Superbug Bulletin in December explaining the latest developments and challenges in the AMR market.
In addition to our AMR work, BIO has been working hard to educate the public on COVID-19 vaccines, with a goal of increasing vaccination acceptance across communities. BIO recently launched CovidVaccineFacts.org to address key issues and answer commonly asked questions about COVID-19 vaccine development, safety, administration, and more. Through their site, BIO is sharing educational content that you can use to support your own organizations’ vaccine outreach. BIO will continue populating the website with new questions and answers throughout 2021.
BIO is partnering with the nonprofit sector on its COVID efforts, and via the site BIO will be sharing nonprofit partner organizations’ events and resources. Our partners include: The National Hispanic Coalition on Aging, BlackDoctor.Org, the COVID-19 Prevention Network, LULAC and the National Black Church Initiative, among others. Visit CovidVaccineFacts.org here and be sure to check out BIO’s partners page to learn how you can be a fact spreader using BIO’s advocate toolkit. If your non-profit organization is doing innovative work to drive vaccine acceptance within Communities of Color, please connect with us!
Brian Isetts, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy
Brian Isetts would like to share that profession of Pharmacy is mobilizing to address the country’s failing COVID-19 vaccination response, as explained here: Feds to Start Using Pharmacies to Ramp up Administration of Vaccines, at: https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/943677.
Consumers for Quality Care (CQC)
For more than three years, Consumers for Quality Care (CQC) has worked to shine a light on the serious problems that consumers are facing when it comes to accessing quality, affordable health care. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and economic pain that it has caused millions of Americans has only made these disparities greater in our country.
From fighting anti-consumer Medicaid waivers, to speaking out against harmful administration proposals like the NBPP, we have been working tirelessly to ensure that consumers are at the forefront of the health care debate and that is something we will continue to do moving forward as we demonstrate to policymakers the importance of quality care for all. To learn more about CQC’s recent work, check out the links; open letter to President-elect Joe Biden, growing coalition, comments to CMS over a dangerous Medicaid proposal, and consumer stories.
Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA)
The 2020 Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Securities (CARES) Act provided consumers with a number of health-related benefits, including renewed eligibility for over-the-counter (OTC) medicines as qualified expenses under Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and Flexible Spending Arrangements (FSAs), and it granted eligibility for feminine care products for the first time, as well. For more than ten years, CHPA has been leading a broad coalition of stakeholders to regain these HSA/FSA benefits for consumers and since the CARES Act passed, CHPA has been educating Americans about the new benefits through our campaign, www.TaxFreeOTC.org. Using web, digital display ads, PR, and social media strategies, we have reached more than 150 million consumers to educate them about these new benefits. Learn more at www.TaxFreeOTC.org.
Eli Lilly and Company
Eli Lilly would like to report that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for Lilly’s investigational neutralizing antibody bamlanivimab (LY-CoV555) 700 mg, for the treatment of recently diagnosed, mild to moderate COVID-19 illness in high-risk patients. Read more, here: Bamlanivimab for COVID-19 | Eli Lilly and Company.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Office of Women’s Health
CDER’s Office of Communications has a new director, James-Denton (JD) Wyllie. He has been with the organization for six months. You’ll find his bio on our website at the following link: https://www.fda.gov/about-fda/center-drug-evaluation-and-research-cder/james-denton-jd-wyllie. Our former director, Chris Shreeve, retired in August 2020.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – Office of Women’s Health
The FDA Office of Women’s Health (OWH) hosted a public meeting to discuss potential sex (biological) and gender (psychosocial) differences in use and responses to cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids on November 19, 2020. Presentations addressed patient and healthcare provider perspectives on CBD and other cannabinoid use, sex differences in the effects of CBD and other cannabinoids, use of CBD and other cannabinoids in pregnancy, and government agency perspectives on CBD research and evaluation. The meeting recording can be accessed here.
There are also two recent posts on the OWH blog: Knowledge and News on Women. In recognition of Diabetes Awareness Month this past November, OWH Director Dr. Kaveeta Vasisht and guest blogger Dr. Susan Mayne-Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (CFSAN) Director at FDA, shared how healthy eating habits play a major role in diabetes management. Exciting new changes to the Nutrition Facts label were shared, read the blog post in its entirety here. OWH kicked off the new year encouraging women to make their health a priority throughout 2021. Resources and additional information can be found in the January blog post here.
The FDA is also hosting a virtual public meeting from February 2-3, 2021: Scientific and Ethical Considerations for the Inclusion of Pregnant Women in Clinical Trials. Click the link for additional details and registration information: https://www.fda.gov/drugs/news-events-human-drugs/scientific-and-ethical-considerations-inclusion-pregnant-women-clinical-trials-public-meeting. If you are not subscribed to the OWH newsletter, the subscription option is located at the top of the OWH homepage, www.fda.gov/womens.
Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA)
Allied Against Opioid Abuse (AAOA) recently partnered with the National Hispanic Medical Association (NHMA) to release a new suite of resources to help educate the Hispanic community about the rights, risks and responsibilities associated with prescription opioids. The toolkit was developed by an advisory committee of NHMA members and features three downloadable and printable resources available in both Spanish and English. Along with the toolkit resources, AAOA released an informational Spanish-language video providing key insights on safe prescription opioid use from NHMA physicians. The partnership between AAOA and NHMA aims to increase awareness among Hispanics about prescription opioid safety, safe storage and disposal and alternative pain management options by providing resources for healthcare providers to easily share with their patients. We encourage you to share the resources and video with your networks. For more information about how your organization can collaborate with AAOA, please contact Lee Lynch (llynch@reservoircg.com).
As the trusted digital resource for women 35-64, HealthyWomen enables and empowers women to make informed choices regarding their health through real, attainable, and action-oriented editorial coverage. And as the world learns more about the COVID-19 vaccines, HealthyWomen is on the frontline ensuring we have the best information for our audience. The COVID-19 Vaccine Education and Equity Project is a coalition of 100+ patient, health care provider, public health and relevant trade organizations (including the American Pharmacists Association, Consumer Brands Association, National Association of Chain Drug Stores, National Association of Convenience Stores, etc.) that have come together to advance public education around COVID-19 vaccines. Pfizer has provided initial funding to support the project, which was convened by HealthyWomen, the Alliance for Aging Research, and the National Caucus and Center on Black Aging. Please visit https://covidvaccineproject.org/ for more information.
United States Pharmacopeia (USP)
U.S. Pharmacopeia has released a new COVID-19 Vaccine Handling Toolkit that provides critical information to pharmacists, doctors, nurses, nurse practitioners, health profession students, physician assistants, and others handling COVID-19 vaccines. These resources can facilitate operational efficiencies that help accelerate delivery and support safe handling of COVID-19 vaccines while maintaining quality and ultimately the public’s trust. Visit www.usp.org/covid-vaccine-handling to download the toolkit or to learn more.