Game On! – National Consumers League

NCL’s staff is working away to prepare for our annual LifeSmarts National Championship this year from April 12-15. This year, we’re heading to Minneapolis, MN, LifeSmarts Program Director, Lisa Hertzberg’s hometown! The League runs the LifeSmarts program, which tests thousands of middle school and high school students nationwide on real-life consumer issues through online quizzes and live contests.

High school state champs from across the nation will show off their consumer smarts on personal finance, health and safety, environment, technology and consumer rights and responsibilities April 12-15 as they compete for the national title.

Here’s a peek into the fun:

Saturday, April 12
Teams from across the nation check-in at the hotel, go through orientation, where they get their first glimpse of the competition, and are briefed on the rules. Later that evening, the teams get to let loose at the mixer.

Sunday, April 13
Competition begins. Months of studying and honing their skills through online and in-person come in handy.

Monday, April 14
The competition heats up! Teams compete until only four teams are standing. Later in the day, the teams take a break from competing and take in the local scene on a fun outing.

Tuesday, April 15
The competition comes down to the quarterfinals and semifinals, until the only team standing is named the 2008 LifeSmarts National Champion! The champion team receives its prizes at the Awards Banquet.

We wanted to send a huge thank you to our sponsors, state coordinators, coaches and volunteers who make the LifeSmarts program all that it is! Check out the news coverage the teams have received so far, and be sure to visit to cheer on the teams during Nationals!

Strapped for cash? Join the club! – National Consumers League

Times are tight. Seems like you can’t turn on the TV, open a newspaper, or connect to the Internet without seeing news reports about consumer bankruptcies and concerns about a recession.

Lately, we’ve been hearing about consumers being so strapped for cash that they’re tapping into their 401(k) or other retirement accounts. Our friends at the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the largest non-governmental regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States, are noticing this trend too. They’re reminding consumers to research the terms of any 401 (k) loan agreement you’re considering, including the interest rate, any fees, and other applicable terms before drawing on these accounts.

As a last resort, you may want to look into whether you qualify for a hardship withdrawal from your 401(k). This is not a quick fix; you have to apply to prove your hardship, you probably won’t have access to contributions by your employer, and there are other fine-print-type details. Read more to find out more about how this works.

Yikes! You know the economy’s getting rough when people are using their retirement cash to pay for gas and other bills. We’ll keep our ear out for more information on this trend and continue to provide you with as many money-saving tips as we can.

NCPW 2008 – National Consumers League

Happy National Consumer Protection Week, everyone!

As a member of NCPW’s steering committee, NCL joined other consumer advocacy organizations and government agencies in planning this year’s events focused on financial literacy. This is a timely topic, just look at the news reports on the credit crunch. Consumers need greater access to the resources and educational tools to help them make savvy financial decisions.

NCL offers tips to help consumers make well-informed financial decisions, avoid being defrauded, and report scams. Check back here later this week for the tips and resources that NCL offers to help consumers of all ages manage their finances wisely.

Merging Consumer and Worker Interests – National Consumers League

By Sally Greenberg, NCL Executive Director

The Communication Workers of America (CWA) have long held a seat on our board of directors at the National Consumers League. Today I went over to CWA’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. to sit down with Larry Cohen, the union’s president, and discuss some of the issues that face consumers and workers alike. High on NCL’s and CWA’s list is comprehensive healthcare reform. According to data from the most recent U.S. Census, 47 million Americans – or 16 percent of the population – have no health insurance, and that number has grown even in the last few years.

Universal health coverage has long been a priority for the League. During the 1930s, Josephine Roche, who was to become president of the League later that decade, headed President Franklin Roosevelt’s Interdepartmental Committee to Coordinate Health and Welfare Activities. One of the Committee’s mandates was the development of a national health plan. The proposal came out in 1938, and Senator Robert Wagner (D-NY) introduced the Committee’s bill in Congress the following year. (Wagner’s name is also attached to the famous Wagner Act of 1935, a law that involved the federal government for the first time in protecting the right of workers to organize and form unions. The Wagner Act also established the National Labor Relations Board.)

Today there are several comprehensive healthcare reform proposals on the table. Neither CWA nor NCL has endorsed specific plans, but I believe we share support for basic principles for reform:

  • Comprehensive Benefits
  • Affordable Coverage
  • Access for Rural, Low Income and Underserved Communities
  • Fair Financing of Plans
  • High Quality Health Care

Cohen and I also discussed National Consumers League’s supports for the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), a priority measure for the labor union movement. This bill, HR 800 in the House, is currently awaiting action in both the House and the Senate. EFCA provides for the certification of a union as the bargaining representative if the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) finds that a majority of employees in an appropriate bargaining unit have signed written forms designating the union as its collective bargaining agent

EFCA also speeds along the process of bargaining between employer and employees for their first contract by obligating both parties to reach an agreement, through escalating procedures of mediation and arbitration, if necessary.

Finally, EFCA requires stronger penalties against employers for engaging in unfair labor practices while employees are attempting to organize or obtain a first contract. The bill mandates that the NLRB must seek a federal court injunction against an employer whenever there is reasonable cause to believe that the employer has discharged employees or discriminated against them or engaged in conduct that interferes significantly with employee rights during an organizing campaign or bargaining for a first contract.

Going back to the League’s roots, the presence of labor unions like CWA on our board and our agreement on so many issues energizes our work at the NCL for a fair marketplace for all consumers and workers alike.

This Just In – National Consumers League

We just got word through a statement from the White House Office of the Press Secretary that today, February 28, 2008, the President signed into law H.R. 1216, the “Cameron Gulbransen Kids Transportation Safety Act of 2007 or the K.T. Safety Act of 2007,” which requires the Department of Transportation to issue regulations related to power window safety, rearward visibility, and rollaway prevention intended to reduce the incidence of child injury and death occurring inside and near motor vehicles.

The Kids and Cars Bill is now a law! Hooray! More on this to come.

Just in Time for Fashion Week: ‘Made in Italy’ Label Questioned – National Consumers League

By Sally Greenberg, NCL Executive Director

Celebrities, journalists, and buyers alike are captivated by the latest colors, textures, and trends revealed in designers’ collections during Milan Fashion Week.

As the Los Angeles Times reports, the illustrious “Made in Italy” label on name brand designer goods may not mean what consumers think it does. The article draws attention to the reality that many of these designer goods are produced by sweatshop workers – in this case, many of them, Chinese immigrants – who are being subjected to horrendous working conditions.

In the last year, police raids of these Italian sweatshops have shut down various factories and workshops. Clearly more needs to be done to end the sweatshop conditions that workers across the globe are facing. Particularly troubling is that these goods are marketed as being “Made in Italy.” That’s technically true, but nowhere will consumers, who pay top dollar for these luxury items on the strength of the Made in Italy label, learn that sweatshop labor was involved in making these goods.

NCL has long championed consumer rights and worker protections and both are at stake here.  The League created the “White Label” at the turn of the 20th Century to designate factories that abided by fair labor standards. The League is also an active member of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), a group whose mission it is to protect workers’ rights and improve working conditions in the apparel industry worldwide by promoting adherence to international labor standards. We believe in the importance of knowing not only where the products we use are from, but also that they are made under the fair labor standards that we support. NCL has called upon clothing designers and manufacturers who employ workers under sweatshop conditions to pay workers a fair wage and provide decent working conditions for all in their employ. In the meantime, the League will continue to let consumers know the conditions under which the products they buy are made.

2007 Fraud Trends Offer Much to Ponder – National Consumers League

by National Consumers League staff We’ve been working with NCL’s Fraud Center staff lately to crunch some data on fraud complaints from consumers in 2007, and what we’ve found is amazing! This week, the Savvy Consumer blog will bring you a series of highlights of what we tracked last year: the top scams in Internet and telemarketing, victim trends, locations of crooks, etc. First things first: the Top 10 Internet Scams of 2007

  1. Fake Check Scams. Frauds in which consumers receive a realistic-seeming check from a crook as payment for something with instructions to wire a portion back. The scam has many variations, but the common thread is the wiring of money from a check that appears to be good but ultimately isn’t. We were involved in a massive educational effort on these scams last year.
  2. General Merchandise. Scams involving items purchased online that either never show up or aren’t as they were described.
  3. Auctions. Problems in online auctions, as reported by buyers, including items never being delivered, being a grossly different product, etc. Online auction fraud has been at or near the top of the list for years.
  4. Nigerian Money Offers. These “419” scams originated as letters but now commonly happen via email.
  5. Lotteries. Congratulations! You’ve won a foreign lottery and millions of fabulous dollars. All you have to do is pay us up-front for some processing fees.
  6. Advance Fee Loans/Credit Arrangers. Con artists target consumers who may have bad credit and are vulnerable to sketchy loan offers.
  7. Prizes/Sweepstakes/free gifts. See “lotteries” above.
  8. Phishing/Spoofing. We have an entire Web site devoted to this scam, wherein phishers seek personal financial information from consumers in order to perpetrate ID theft.
  9. Sweetheart Swindles. We blogged about this one recently. When Cupid strikes consumers in these scams, they end up with a broken heart and empty wallet; criminals pose as lovebirds, cultivate relationships, and make a plea for financial help.
  10. Internet Access Services. Scams surrounding email, Web site building, or Internet connection services.

Future blog: Top Telemarketing Scams of 2007

Rubbing Elbows on Capitol Hill for NCPW – National Consumers League

By Tim McNutt, NCL Public Policy Intern

Last week, the League descended upon Capitol Hill to participate in a National Consumer Protection Week fair with hill staffers, federal, state, and local government agencies, and national consumer advocacy organizations. As a member of the NCPW steering committee, NCL meets with other orgs and agencies each fall to plan the next year’s NCPW theme and events to promote the educational week in early March.

NCPW highlights consumer protection issues and education efforts around the country. The focus of this year’s event is financial literacy, and the official week is March 2-8. Whether it is tips for shopping for a mortgage; learning to decipher credit card statements or utility bills; choosing savings or retirement plans; comparing health insurance policies, or simply learning to be a savvy consumer, NCPW has got you covered.

The fair was a great forum for National Consumers League to promote the LifeSmarts Program to members of Congress and similarly aligned organizations. LifeSmarts helps students from 6 – 12th grade test their consumer knowledge and equip them with the tools needed to be a better consumer. The educational program, whose national competition is right around the corner in April (in Minneapolis this year), was a hit with visitors and participants of the fair. Most importantly, we received positive feedback on our efforts to focus on financial literacy for school-aged consumers. Most organizations had ample information to assist adults in becoming better consumers, but few programs empowered young adults to achieve greater financial literacy.

Cheers to the League and look for more updates from your resident intern blogger soon!

Honoring History – National Consumers League

Did you know that Black History month started out as a week?

In 1926, Carter G. Woodson, the son of former slaves and a scholar who went on to get a Ph.D. in history from Harvard, created “Negro History Week.” February’s theme honors Woodson, who, along with Jesse E. Moorland, co-founded the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History. ASNLH’s mission was to recognize and raise awareness of the importance of African Americans in history. Woodson’s work with the ASNLH led to the creation of “Negro History Week,” which was extended to the entire month of February in its 50th year of observance, 1976.

Black History Month is a great time for our organization, the National Consumers League, to remember our own historical connections to the Civil Rights Movement. NCL supported racial equality from the beginning, as its first leader, Florence Kelley, was a founding member of the NAACP. During the New Deal, NCL called for including domestic and agricultural workers in labor laws and social security programs, and was alone among women’s groups in demanding racial justice. Lucy Mason, head of the league during the 1930s, also served on the NAACP’s board, and she cautioned against “that tendency to believe that the colored worker needs less than the white worker.”

One of the great watershed events in African American history is the 1954 U.S. Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka. The Court found that “separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” The landmark case ended federally-sanctioned racial segregation in public schools. It’s of unique interest to NCL not just for the role it played in the Civil Rights Movement, but because the winning side’s legal arguments had roots in another human rights issue that NCL was closely involved in a few decades earlier.

The brief prepared by Thurgood Marshall (who went on to become a Justice of the Supreme Court) in Brown was a “Brandeis Brief.” This is a brief that’s filled with more sociological data than legal argument. Marshall’s brief demonstrated the corrosive effects of segregated schools on African American students and that separate was not equal. The first Brandeis Brief, written by Louis Brandeis himself (who also went on to become a Supreme Court Justice), came about in the 1908 case of Muller v. Oregon. Brandeis, who successfully represented the interests of women laundry workers, was persuaded to write the brief by NCL’s Kelley and Vice President Josephine Goldmark. Muller upheld workers’ rights to work only 10 hours a day, and laid the groundwork for the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938.

NCL proudly acknowledges Black History Month, and we salute the accomplishments of all of the great historical figures and leaders who have paved the way for justice and equality for us all.

Can you hear me? – National Consumers League

Consumers who have cell phones that operate on analog signals are out of luck. As of midnight last night, cellular telephone companies are no longer required to provide analog service.

If you suddenly find yourself searching for a new wireless phone plan, it is important that you find one which best fits your needs. Here are some tips to help you stay connected to colleagues, family and friends at an affordable cost.

Find out:

  • What’s included in the calling plan. How many minutes will you be allowed as part of your monthly fee? How much will you be charged if you use more? Are unused minutes lost or do they carry over to the next month?
  • What’s the cancellation policy?
  • Whether you can check how many minutes and text messages you have left.

For more information on the switch from analog to digital for wireless phone service, visit the FCC’s Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau Web site at