Nancy Glick

Science Should Drive Obesity Care

Nancy GlickBy Nancy Glick, Director of Food and Nutrition Policy

Today, over 100 million Americans, or 40.3 percent of adults, are living with obesity. This makes obesity the nation’s most widespread chronic condition, impacting many more people than diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, chronic lung disease, and chronic kidney disease.

Yet, the sad fact is obesity still gets short shrift from health professionals and policymakers, even though it worsens the outcomes of more than 230 chronic diseases, is responsible for an estimated 400,000 premature deaths annually, and costs society an estimated $1.72 trillion a year.  As a consequence, only 10 percent of people with obesity get help from medical professionals, meaning the disease remains largely undiagnosed and undertreated.  This is occurring even though leading medical societies, including the American Medical Association (AMA), agree that obesity is a serious disease requiring comprehensive care.

It doesn’t have to be this way, which is why the National Consumers League worked with the National Council on Aging and leading obesity experts to issue the first Obesity Bill of Rights for the nation, which establishes eight essential rights so people with obesity will be screened, diagnosed, counseled, and treated according to medical guidelines. The goal is to put an end to the prejudice, incorrect beliefs about obesity, misinformation about treatment options, and outdated government policies that keep Americans from getting the same standard of care as those with other chronic diseases.

It will take time for the Obesity Bill of Rights to be incorporated into clinical practice, but specific rights already have significance. This is the case with new “blockbuster” injectable medicines called GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor) agonists that work by mimicking a hormone produced in the small intestine to reduce appetite and slow digestion. Considered a game-changer in chronic obesity treatment, GLP-1s can help people lose up to 20 percent of their weight in 26 months. Thus, The Right to Coverage for Treatment reinforces calls from obesity specialists and medical societies for an end to exclusionary coverage policies by insurers and government agencies, so GLP-1 medications are a treatment option for adults at higher risk for living with weight-related diseases.

The major challenge has been the Medicare program, which excludes coverage for weight loss drugs due to past safety concerns that no longer exist today. But this could change. On November 26, 2024 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published a proposed rule to allow seniors on Medicare and adults with Medicaid to have coverage for GLP-1s, thereby removing one of the biggest obstacles impeding access to quality obesity care in the country. If CMS’s proposal is finalized, the right to coverage for obesity treatment will become a reality for 7.4 million Americans – a good start in ensuring that people with obesity receive individualized quality care.

However, there is a lot of misinformation about GLP-1 medications, so The Right to Accurate, Clear, Trusted, and Accessible Information is also important, especially because disinformation is raising concerns among health professionals and the public. To date, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved four GLP-1 drugs based on evidence from large-scale clinical trials that these medicines are safe and achieve substantial weight loss. Yet, critics of these drugs assert these compounds cause severe side effects in all users, claim GLP-1 medications cause depression and suicidal thoughts, and allege the European Union (EU) is investigating this matter.

Responding to these allegations, experts in obesity treatment have assembled the facts from scientific journal articles and government reports. In furtherance of the right of the public to have this information, here is a summary of these findings:

  • Regarding the potential side effects of GLP-1s, several studies dispute the assertion that GLP-1 drugs cause severe adverse effects in all people. The consensus is that because these drugs slow stomach emptying, they can cause gastrointestinal problems that are usually mild to moderate and often go away within one to two months.
  • As to GLP-1s causing suicidal ideation, a recent commentary in JAMA Open Network concludes that large-scale studies do not show any increased risk of suicidal ideation while a 2024 study by researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine found that people taking a GLP-1 drug had a lower risk of suicidal thoughts compared to those taking a non-GLP-1 compound.  Similarly, the FDA published a detailed report in January 2024 also finding no association. FDA reached this conclusion after analyzing information on adverse events from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS), reviewing a meta-analysis of GLP-1 clinical trials data, and analyzing post-marketing data in the FDA’s Sentinel System.
  • Concerning the investigation by the EU’s European Medicines Agency, EMA’s Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee conducted a review of health records and issued a finding that no causal association exists between GLP-1s and suicidal thoughts or self-injurious actions.

The Rand Corporation coined the term “truth decay” to call attention to the blurring of the line between opinion and fact. It is important that “truth decay” not become a new obstacle to Americans receiving quality obesity care.

Medical debt, a growing crisis for Americans, and the Biden Administration’s bold moves to tackle it

By Sam Sears, Health Policy Associate, National Consumers League

Consumers, unfortunately, accrue debt quite often throughout their lives – be it a mortgage, a car loan, credit cards, or even student loans. However, there is one type of debt that consumers have no way of knowing when it will be incurred – medical debt.

At the National Consumers League (NCL), we have been fighting to protect consumers from the unfair burdens of medical debt, both as it relates to access to care and exposing the inadequacy of the 340B Drug Pricing program. However, medical debt as a whole has a moment in the spotlight this October as the Biden Administration tackles the issue.

As I’m sure consumers have noticed, the cost of everything has gone up– groceries, rent, and even healthcare. Many families are forced to make tough decisions between putting food on the table or paying their medical bills. For some, it means putting off medical care to avoid the cost of the visit.

Medical debt now plagues more than 100 million Americans across the nation. As KFF Health News found, 1 in 7 people with debt shared that they’ve been denied access to a hospital, doctor, or other healthcare provider, and two-thirds have put off care they or a family member needs because of the cost. Shockingly, nearly 50% of those Americans have medical debt reported on their credit report, and over 40 million people owe around $88 billion, which has been sent to collections. This makes medical debt the single largest source of debt in collections, outpacing auto loans and credit cards.

The harsh reality is medical debt doesn’t just linger on a credit report; it devastates lives and can have lasting consequences. NCL has previously covered how medical debt collection practices can leave consumers in a “never-ending spiral of debt.” Hospitals across the nation are suing patients over their medical debt, and patients may not know that they must go to court or have the resources to hire a lawyer to protect themselves. As a result, creditors may seek default judgements in which a court authorizes them to garnish a patient’s wages as part of a payment plan, or place a lien on their home, cars, or other property.

Over the past few weeks, the issue of medical debt has been highlighted in the national conversation. A new proposed rule from the Department of Defense would introduce a sliding-scale discount program for civilians who receive care at a military medical treatment facility (MFT). Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra also announced that the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will be adding questions about medical debt to the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS), an annual survey of Medicaid beneficiaries used to understand their health needs. These new questions will allow CMS to further understand the impact of medical debt on the day-to-day lives of seniors and people with disabilities.

Recently, the White House held a pivotal event hosted by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), where individuals directly impacted by medical debt shared their heartbreaking stories. In tandem, the White House released a fact sheet unveiling the Administration’s new actions to address and reduce medical debt for consumers. Following these actions, the CFPB has taken several steps to protect consumers experiencing medical debt.

In his remarks, CFPB Director Rohit Chopra stated that the agency “has been laser-focused on dealing with the growing burdens of medical debt.” NCL commends CFPB and Director Chopra for their ongoing efforts to address the impact of medical debt on patients. Back in June, CFPB issued a proposed rule that would ban unpaid medical bills from being included on credit reports, and prevent the repossession of medical devices. The public comment period for this proposed rule closed on August 12. During the White House event, Director Chopra stated that CFPB is “working to finalize our credit reporting rule now.” But, with nearly 75,000 comments, NCL anticipates that it may take the agency some time to issue a final rule.

Given the complexities of medical bills, the CFPB has also been urging and requiring transparency from hospitals and debt collectors. New guidance was issued to crack down on deceptive medical billing practices, including the illegal collection of medical bills that are false, inflated, or not actually owed. CFPB has received several complaints from patients and consumers over medical debt collections, particularly for bills that the patient does not owe, were already paid by the consumer, insurance, or a government program (such as Medicare or Medicaid), or for debts that are covered by insurance, hospital assistance programs or other programs. More than ever, hospitals and healthcare providers are subcontracting medical billing and collection activities to third parties, who have legal obligations under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. CFPB has issued guidance to further clarify these legal obligations as they relate to medical debt and collection practices.

And let’s not forget the shameful practices of some nonprofit hospitals. As tax-exempt institutions, nonprofit hospitals are legally required to provide financial assistance to offset healthcare costs for low-income patients and consumers —yet many fall woefully short. In early October, CFPB published a comprehensive blog post drawing attention to billing and debt issues arising from nonprofit hospitals, many of which provide inadequate financial assistance. Often referred to as ‘charity care,’ federal regulations do not provide further guidance on the eligibility of patients or spending standards for hospitals. Thus, financial assistance policies are left to the hospitals themselves. While some states have intervened in an increasingly bipartisan manner, there are still too few regulations governing what financial assistance should look like or how it should be administered. NCL supports and recognizes the critical role hospitals, particularly nonprofit hospitals, play in their communities. However, the lack of transparency, as well as the predatory practices of some, need to change. NCL applauds CFPB for the spotlight they’ve put on these practices as a driver in the medical debt crisis.

CFPB has also taken steps to remove all medical collections under $500. This last step went into effect on April 11, 2023, and with this change, it’s estimated that roughly half of those with medical debt on their reports will have it removed from their credit history. If you find a medical collection under $500, a paid medical collection, a collection less than a year old, or errors on your report, you can dispute that information with the credit reporting company.  One of the first steps you can take is to check your credit reports for any outstanding medical bills.

NCL stands in strong support of the efforts of the CFPB and the Biden Administration as they work to safeguard consumers and bring transparency to the healthcare and credit reporting systems. NCL shares CFPB’s concerns regarding how consumers accrue these inaccurate, undue bills in the first place. The Biden-Harris Administration continues to prioritize consumers’ access to healthcare and a commitment to protecting vulnerable populations from the unfair consequences that arise from an illness or medical emergency. NCL applauds Director Chopra, the Biden-Harris Administration, and federal agencies for their leadership in addressing the burden of medical debt.

We look forward to the CFPB’s final ruling on medical debt and credit reporting, which could be a game-changer for millions of Americans.

To learn more about your rights, and actions you can take, if you have medical debt on your credit report or need to dispute a medical bill, visit CFPB.


About the National Consumers League (NCL)

The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization.  Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad.  For more information, visit

National Consumers League statement on FTC action against Big Three PBMs

September 20, 2024

Media contact: National Consumers League – Melody Merin,, 202-207-2831

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Consumers League (NCL), America’s pioneering consumer advocacy organization, today applauds the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) for bringing action against the three largest prescription drug benefit managers (PBMs) and affiliated group purchasing organizations (GPOs). The FTC’s administrative complaint states that PBMs have engaged in anticompetitive and unfair rebate practices, inflating the list prices of insulin, lining their pockets, and transferring the costs to patients.

The following statement is attributable to NCL’s Chief Executive Officer Sally Greenberg:

“We applaud the FTC for its continued actions and investigation into PBMs. This latest action reinforces the role PBMs play in creating consumers high out-of-pocket costs of medicines consumers face. Caremark Rx, Express Scripts, and OptumRX administer four-fifths of all prescriptions within the states, and prioritizing their profits over the patients’ wellbeing directly impact why 25 percent of insulin patients are unable to afford their medication.”

The FTC’s press release about the administrative complaint can be read here.


 About the National Consumers League (NCL) 

The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit

PBMs are driving the increase in out-of-pocket healthcare costs for consumers, says NCL

July 23, 2024

Media contact: National Consumers League – Melody Merin,, 202-207-2831

WASHINGTON, DC – The National Consumers League (NCL) today submitted a letter to both the Republican and Democratic chairs of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability expressing concerns about pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) driving the increase in out-of-pocket healthcare costs for American consumers. The letter was submitted just as the committee was conducting a hearing with top executives from Express Scripts, CVS Caremark, and Optum Rx.

The following statement is attributable to NCL’s Chief Executive Officer Sally Greenberg:

“We are concerned that these anti-consumer practices are putting the profits of insurance companies and their PBMs before patients, local pharmacies, employers, and state governments. Congress has an opportunity to review these corporate practices and work to ensure a reduced market power, thus minimizing the incentives for PBMs to steer patients towards higher-priced medicines, claim higher and higher rebates to fatten their bottom line, and ultimately driving independent pharmacies out of business.”

The full letter can be accessed here.


About the National Consumers League (NCL) 

The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit

Nancy Glick

It’s time to care about obesity care

Nancy GlickBy Nancy Glick, Director of Food and Nutrition Policy

Every year, the calendar is full of national health observances – special months, weeks and days that raise awareness of serious diseases and health issues. While all are valuable to advance the health of the Americans, Obesity Care Week taking place March 4-8 is especially significant.

Why?  Because even though the adult obesity rate now exceeds 42 percent – the highest level ever recorded – obesity is still viewed as a problem of lack of willpower, too many health professionals act in discriminatory ways based on people’s size, and those seeking obesity care often face exclusions in insurance plans or restrictive practices that delay or deny treatment.

The consequence is that that only 10 percent of people with obesity get help from medical professionals, meaning the disease remains largely undiagnosed and undertreated.

It doesn’t have to be this way. There are a variety of safe and effective treatment options. And medical societies, including the American Medical Association (AMA), agree that obesity is a complex disease requiring ongoing quality care. The key is for society – including health professionals, insurers and policymakers – to care about obesity and agree that treatment matters. Here are the reasons why.

It is long past time for health professionals, employers, insurers, policymakers and the American public to care about obesity and work collectively to break down the barriers that prevent people from accessing proper care and treatment. This is the purpose of Obesity Care Week – to shine a light on a disease that no one has wanted to talk or think about and shift the way society views obesity and treats the disease.

Obesity Care Week is also an opportunity to call attention to the first Obesity Bill of Rights for the nation, developed by NCL and the National Council on Aging in consultation with leading obesity specialists and issued in January 2024. Starting with the recognition that obesity is a treatable disease, the Obesity Bill of Rights establishes eight essential rights so adults will receive the same level of attention and care as those with other chronic conditions and have access to all treatments deemed appropriate by their health providers. Now is the time to advance changes in federal, state, and employer policies that will ensure these rights are incorporated into medical practice.

More information about the Obesity Bill of Rights is available at:

Unveiling the flaws in the 340B Drug Pricing Program: Hospitals, medical debt, and consumer struggles

Sally Greenberg

By Sally Greenberg, Chief Executive Officer

In 1992, Congress created the 340B Drug Pricing Program to help ensure vulnerable patients would be able to access medications they need but may not be able to afford. This program provides steeply discounted drugs to health care providers – mostly hospitals – serving low-income patients with the intent that the providers would pass those discounts along to patients. Unfortunately, that is not what is happening. The National Consumers League (NCL) is increasingly concerned about this program, especially as it relates to hospitals’ abusive and aggressive debt collection practices, and how those practices lead to consumer medical debt. A recent letter from a bipartisan group of Senators underscores hospitals’ role in this growing problem.

We find it particularly troubling that many hospitals benefiting from 340B are not only nonprofit entities but are designated as charity hospitals – supposedly caring for low income and indigent patients. A 2022 report by the Alliance for Integrity and Reform of 340B found that charity care spending for nearly two-thirds of 340B hospitals was less than the national average for similar hospitals. Further, a December 2019 Government Accountability Office (GAO) report found that “some nongovernmental hospitals that do not appear to meet the statutory requirements for program eligibility are participating in the 340B program and receiving discounted prices for drugs for which they may not be eligible.” One report found that 82% of nonprofit hospitals spent less on community programs than the value of their tax exemptions.

Consumers are not benefiting from the 340B program in the way Congress intended. A patient whose income is above 200 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) is expected to pay full price for a drug they receive at the hospital, even though the care center from which they are “buying” the drug did not pay full price for it. Hospitals participating in the 340B program saved an average of $11.8 million per year, according to a 2019 report from Beckers Hospital Review, and multiple studies have found that a majority of hospitals markup medicines between 200-500 percent. Under the current program, an individual who makes $29,200 per year has to pay that price.

What is even more alarming is the fact that if a patient can’t pay, the hospitals that have benefited enormously from discounted drugs intended for vulnerable patients are aggressively suing these same patients. This illustrates a major disconnect between the intent of the 340B program and the way it is operating today.

While estimates differ, medical debt is believed to cause more than 60 percent of bankruptcies in America. Most consumers facing medical debt did not end up in that situation because of bad decisions or profligate spending. Most have had some kind of injury or unexpected illness and don’t have insurance – or don’t have sufficient insurance – to cover their medical and hospital costs. Patients who need financial assistance should be processed when entering the hospital for medical care. Many are not given the chance to do so and as a result, can be sued for debt after services are rendered. Medical debt collection practices are debilitating for low-income consumers and can destroy their credit ratings, subjecting them to subprime rates and a never-ending spiral of debt.

Even if patients don’t start out poor, because of excessive fees, penalties, and other costs added onto what may or may not be actual medical debt on the part of patients, aggressive debt-collection practices can leave them destitute. Many don’t have funds to hire a lawyer, and if summoned, they often don’t know they need to actually go to court; in fact, sometimes debt collectors advise them not to show up in court. As a result, default judgments are filed against them, leading to garnishments of wages, and liens on homes, cars, and other properties. In 2019, the Journal of the American Medical Association studied the garnishment of wages by hospitals in the state of Virginia and found that 71% of the hospitals were nonprofit and the gross mean annual revenue of hospitals engaged in garnishments was $806 million, with 8,399 patients having wages garnished.

Below are just a few stories illustrating hospitals’ medical debt collection practices playing out in communities throughout the nation.

  • A woman in Knoxville, Tennessee, was diagnosed with cancer and underwent surgery and chemotherapy. Even though she had health insurance, she was left with almost $10,000 in medical bills that she couldn’t pay. Financial counselors told her she couldn’t schedule cancer checkup appointments with her doctor until she has a plan to pay her bills, according to a December 2022 story by NPR.
  • As reported by the Washington Post in May 2019, an investigation by the Baltimore Sun found that 46 hospitals in Maryland filed more than 132,000 lawsuits for unpaid medical bills from 2003 to 2008 and won at least $100 million in judgments. In some cases, hospitals added annual interest at twice the rate permitted for other types of debts or placed liens against patients’ homes.
  • The Washington Post reported in 2019 that the University of Virginia (UVA) Health System sued former patients more than 36,000 times for over $106 million over a six-year period. During that time, UVA’s Medical Center earned a $554 million profit and held stocks and other investments worth $1 billion. One of the patients the UVA Health System sued was Heather Waldron. Following emergency surgery and other treatment in 2017 to address an intestinal malformation, Waldron received a bill from the University of Virginia Health System for $164,000, more than twice what a commercial insurer would have paid for the care. When she was unable to pay, the UVA Health System pursued her with a lawsuit and a lien on the home she shared with her then-husband and five children. In the fall of 2019, the family lost their home, and the “financial disaster” contributed to Waldron and her husband divorcing earlier that year.

We support the critical role hospitals play in communities across the country and understand many dutifully provide charity care to those who cannot pay. However, we believe that if hospitals are designated charity entities and are receiving 340B discounts, they should be required to prove that those discounts have been passed along to patients. The current situation is unacceptable and merits an in-depth investigation and tightening up of the 340B rules. Charity hospitals should not be able to both claim 340B status and drag the very populations they are pledged to serve into debt collection proceedings, taking their homes, their cars, and their possessions in the process. Changes need to be made to ensure that only eligible hospitals are allowed to participate in the 340B program and that the deep discounts for medicines are passed along to patients, as Congress intended.

The National Consumers League applauds the reintroduction of bipartisan legislation to give millions of Medicare beneficiaries access to safe and effective obesity treatments

July 21, 2023

Media contact: National Consumers League – Katie Brown,, 202-823-8442

Washington, D.C. – The National Consumers League (NCL) welcomes the reintroduction  of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) as a needed step to end outdated Medicare rules that leave millions of seniors with diagnosed obesity – particularly members of Black and Latino communities – vulnerable to disability, disease and premature death due to lack of access to the full range of treatment options.

Introduced by Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Representatives Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), Raul Ruiz (D-CA), Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA) and Gwen Moore (D-WI), TROA will end this regulatory logjam by expanding coverage under Medicare Part D to new FDA-approved anti-obesity medications, which are currently excluded under a policy dating back to 2003. TROA will also end Medicare Part B restrictions on intensive behavioral therapy (IBT) that limit the delivery of IBT to primary care providers and restrict the physical locations where this care can occur. Through TROA, clinical psychologists, registered dietitians and nutrition professionals will be able to provide IBT if an individual with obesity is referred by a physician.

At a time when the obesity rate among adult Americans exceeds 40 percent and is even higher among communities of color – virtually half of African Americans (49.6 percent) and 44.8 percent of Hispanics are living with obesity – passage of TROA could be a critical step in changing the trajectory of a disease that for too long has been overlooked and undertreated. The National Consumers League applauds TROA’s reintroduction in the 118th Congress and pledges our support to gain passage of this important legislation on an expedited basis.


About the National Consumers League (NCL)
The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization.  Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad.  For more information, visit

The National Consumers League applauds the FTC’s decision to investigate PBMs

June 14, 2022

Media contact: National Consumers League – Katie Brown,, (202) 207-2832

Washington, DC— NCL is deeply concerned by the lack of transparency and accountability surrounding pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs). The pervasive power of PBMs in the pharmaceutical industry has raised out-of-pocket costs for consumers and made it more difficult for them to receive essential medical treatment. NCL believes that the FTC’s investigation into PBMs represents a significant first step to addressing these issues.

The PBM system was originally intended to work on behalf of employers, health plans, labor unions, and states, to negotiate with drug manufacturers and process prescription drug claims. However, as their power and influence in the market has grown, there are major concerns that PBMs have increasingly prioritized profits, with consumers paying the price.

With the highest profit rates of any corporations in the prescription drug supply chain, PBMs have pocketed more than $450 billion in revenue in 2020, a stark $150 billion increase from eight years ago.  More concerning is that now, just three PBMs account for approximately 77 percent of all equivalent prescription claims.

PBMs often demand that drug companies provide them “rebates” or discounts to offer medicines as part of a drug benefit plan. While implemented to lower consumers’ out-of-pocket costs, these theoretical consumer savings seem to be nonexistent. In addition, to increase profits, PBMs intentionally steer consumers to higher-priced drugs, regardless of patient and treatment considerations.

As the most prominent PBMs have vertically integrated with the largest health insurance companies, they are employing monopolistic-like practices to increase prescription prices, limit consumer choice, and stifle market competition. NCL is encouraged that the FTC is taking preliminary action to hold PBMs accountable. In addition to this investigation, policy-makers and the FTC must continue to address the lack of regulatory oversight with the utmost urgency.


About the National Consumers League (NCL) 

The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit


National Consumers League supports the HELP Copays Act to make prescription drugs more affordable for consumers

June 2, 2022

Media contact: National Consumers League – Katie Brown,, (202) 207-2832

Washington, DC— The National Consumers League (NCL) is pleased to support the HELP Copays Act (H.R. 5801), introduced by Representatives Donald McEachin (VA-04) and Rodney Davis (IL-13). NCL stands with other aligned stakeholder groups, as part of the All Copays Count Coalition (ACCC), to protect patients from increased out-of-pocket medical costs and ensure that essential and life-saving drugs are readily accessible for all consumers.

NCL’s support of the Help Copays Act follows our organization’s long history of ensuring access to health care and a fair marketplace for consumers in the United States. Across the nation, the cost of drugs vital to patients’ health and wellbeing are unaffordable for many families. This has made co-pay assistance including discounts, coupon cards, vouchers, donations, and more, a key tool for enabling people to pay for their prescriptions. However, recent policies, mainly copay accumulator adjustment programs instituted by health insurance and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), block these contributions from patients’ deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums, resulting in more costs for consumers.

The pandemic has only exacerbated consumers’ struggles to afford the medical treatment they need. A recent report by HIV and HEP Policy Institute, discusses how the average family cannot afford to cover the deductibles of their employer-sponsored health plans. The Help Copays Act will require these health insurance plans to count all forms of co-pay assistance towards patients’ out-of-pocket maximums, making essential drugs and treatments more affordable.

NCL supports H.R. 5801 as a solution to reducing the barriers that prevent our nation’s most vulnerable from receiving the medicines they need to maintain and improve health outcomes. According to a survey conducted by the National Hemophilia Foundation, 80 percent of voters support this bipartisan effort to ensure that copay assistance counts towards patients’ deductibles. NCL strongly urges policy-makers to fulfill their obligation to their constituents and support The Help Copays Act as this legislation is an important step in improving access to health care and establishing a fair marketplace for all consumers.


About the National Consumers League (NCL) 

The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit


Jeanette Contreras portrait

How to protect consumers from PBM greed

By NCL Director of Health Policy Jeanette Contreras

The rising cost of health care is a sore point for all consumers and nowhere is it more glaring than at the pharmacy counter. However, consumers are largely unaware that Pharmacy Benefit Managers – or PBMs – are the middlemen working behind the scenes with very little competition and accountability. There are now just three PBMs that account for about 77% of all equivalent prescription claims. This lack of competition allows PBMs to easily manipulate the price and make it impossible for consumers to get a fair deal.

There is plenty of blame to go around when it comes to the rising cost of prescription drugs. But PBMs ultimately control which medicines we get (and don’t get) and how much we pay out of pocket for them. That’s exactly why the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)– whose mission is to protect consumers and competition – has requested public comments on the ways these large, middlemen companies are affecting drug affordability and access.

I recently led a discussion with key experts to discuss this issue. NCL’s Executive Director Sally Greenberg, Former FTC Policy Director David Balto, and HIV + Hepatitis Policy Institute Executive Director Carl Schmid, shared their insights with us.

David Balto explained, “There are three things needed for a market to really function effectively – you need to have choice (competition); second, transparency – that is you know what you’re getting and what the benefit of the bargain is; and third, that there’s no conflict of interest. In the PBM market, PBMs fail on all three grounds.”

PBMs initially came into existence to streamline how consumers get their medicines and were intended to lower costs. However, as Sally Greenberg pointed out, “The fact that PBMs have the influence and decision-making authority they do should be concerning for all consumers. PBMs have the power to negotiate discounts with drug manufacturers, they work with insurance companies to determine which drugs will ultimately be covered, and they work with pharmacists to reimburse them for dispensing drugs. All along the way, they’ve found ways to profit – and all along the way this impedes the savings that should be going to consumers.”

Carl Schmid shared more about how this impacts patients, “We’re now seeing the creation of specialty drugs or specialty tier (on formularies). This is a term created totally by the PBMs…now it’s just any new drug – all HIV drugs, all Hepatitis drugs, all cancer drugs – they’re all specialty drugs these days and they put them in the highest tier. And this not only creates higher out-of-pocket costs for patients, but it’s also discriminatory.”

These unfair PBM practices lead to unnecessarily high out-of-pocket costs for prescriptions while PBMs continue to find ways to game the system to their benefit. The FTC wants to hear from consumers and patients who have been negatively impacted by these PBM practices.

Watch the full discussion here to learn more about the PBM problem. Then share your story with the FTC here.