NCL health policy updates | Health Advisory Council Newsletter | 2016 Q3
NCL-AHIP Partnership: MyHealthPlanGuide — In August, NCL announced its new partnership with America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) to create, accessible educational content to help consumers develop the literacy skills needed to better navigate the complex and changing health care system. Central to the partnership is a new interactive website for consumers, named MyHealthPlanGuide, which is slated for launch in early October. We look forward to sharing this resource with you!
Prescription Drug User Fee Act Reauthorization — In August, NCL testified at the FDA Public Meeting on the reauthorization of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA VI). NCL expressed its support for the PDUFA program and many of the features of PDUFA VI, while stressing the need for the FDA to remain independent and not compromise its high standards for safety, efficacy, and quality of prescription drugs.
Dietary Supplements Quality Collaborative — NCL recently joined the Dietary Supplements Quality (DSQ) Collaborative, which is supported by USP and consists of 18 organizations that are committed to advancing the quality and safety of products marketed as dietary supplements in the United States. One of the main goals of the DSQ Collaborative is to develop strategies to protect consumers from bad actors and dangerous products.
Script Your Future Campaign — Karin Bolte, NCL’s Health Policy Director, was pleased to present the 2016 Medication Adherence Team Challenge awards at the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy’s (AACP) Annual Meeting in July. This year’s award winners were the University of Charleston School of Pharmacy (National Award), University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy (National Award), Northeast Ohio Medical University (Health Disparities), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Media), and the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (Creative Interprofessional Team Event). NCL is busy preparing for the 2017 Team Challenge. In addition, NCL has been invited to give an overview of lessons learned from the Script Your Future campaign at the Dec. 5– 6 Suboptimal Medication Use and Population Health-Intersection of Research, Implementation, and Policy conference in Washington, DC.
We Won’t Wait Campaign — NCL has joined WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s We Won’t Wait campaign, the first-ever widespread effort to define Alzheimer’s as the 21st Century’s primary economic justice issue and health crisis for women. NCL was a co-host with WomenAgainstAlzheimer’s, Eli Lilly’s Alzheimer’s Readiness Project, and other campaign partners of a Women Leading the Way luncheon at the Democratic National Convention in July. NCL will also be participating in the National Alzheimer’s Summit on September 28.