Consumer groups file amicus brief supporting DOT’s airline fee transparency rule
October 17, 2024
Media contact: National Consumers League – Melody Merin,, 202-207-2831
WASHINGTON, DC – This week, the National Consumers League and three other public interest advocacy organizations filed a brief of amici curiae in Airlines for America, et. al v. Department of Transportation. The airline industry filed the lawsuit, claiming that the Department of Transportation (“DOT”) lacks the authority to protect passengers, after DOT finalized its rule requiring air carriers to disclose upfront the fees they charge for baggage and reservation changes or cancellations.
“DOT has put in place common-sense price transparency rules,” said NCL Vice President of Public Policy, Telecommunications, and Fraud John Breyault. “Travelers deserve to know up front how much it will cost to bring a bag on a plane or cancel or change their reservation. Unfortunately, the industry’s litigation goes much further than disputing a single rule they do not like. It strikes at the heart of DOT’s ability to issue consumer protection regulations across the board.”
If the industry’s litigation is successful, it could jeopardize decades of basic—yet critical—consumer protections implemented by DOT. In addition to threatening the ancillary fee transparency rule, a ruling by the 5th Circuit in favor of the airlines could jeopardize the Full Fare Advertising Rule requiring air carriers to include all mandatory charges within their advertised prices. The lawsuit comes just four years after the same airlines received more than $50 billion in taxpayer bailouts from the federal government during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The American Economic Liberties Project, Consumer Federation of America, NCL, and the US Public Interest Research Group filed the brief supporting the fee transparency rule.
Additional reading:
- Airline passenger advocates hail landmark junk fee rules
- Advocates call on DOT to mandate easier airfare cost comparison
About the National Consumers League (NCL)
The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit