Getting in touch with your inner farmer – National Consumers League
It’s unseasonably warm this week, and I’ve found myself longing to populate my deck with plants despite the cold that may lie ahead. Growing up, my parents spent summer weekends landscaping and planting, and I feel a deep satisfaction in caring for plants. We never had a successful garden exactly, maybe some tomatoes or herbs in pots — but there was something beautiful and amazing about creating something sustaining and useful from tiny seeds.
I worry that Americans are becoming less and less connected with their food. What we buy in the grocery store can be so vastly different than its origins. Lately there has been some buzz about micro-gardening. It’s perfect for people who have very little land to grow on, such as those of us who live in cities or apartments. Micro-gardening focuses on fitting as many plants, and thus produce, into as few square feet as possible.
Companies like Earth Starter are creating aids to achieve maximum space use. Their creations, the Nourishmat and Herbmat may soon be available for purchase but are currently only available through donation to the Kickstarter Campaign. The mats come with “seed bombs” that are planted in designated spots. Window gardening is an even better, yet somewhat involved, solution for apartment dwellers. If you’re able to set up one of these hydroponic window systems, kudos to you.
Encouraging the average American to cultivate his or her green thumb could, through education and assistance, help the urban poor get more fresh food to their tables. Maybe if we all grew fruits and veggies, we’d feel a little more connected to them, more motivated to eat them. Its reason enough for me to give it a try. And for those of you who have absolutely no interest in gardening but still long for extremely fresh locally grown fruits and vegetables, there’s always Community Supported Agriculture which allows consumers to buy directly from farmers and in some cases affords you the opportunity to visit the farm.