Our Impact
The work of the National Consumers League is making a difference in people’s lives across the country. Meet some of the consumers touched by our programs.
Read about NCL’s impact
Preventing yet another victim
Paige, 55, a Nashville wife and mother of two, answered an employment ad for secret shoppers. Before sending payment to the scammers, she reached out to NCL.
Read about NCL’s impact
Building a stronger generation
A grease fire flared up in Decklan’s kitchen. As his family scrambled and panicked, fearing that the whole house might erupt in flames, Decklan remained calm. He hurried over to the pantry, grabbed some baking soda, and dumped it on the fire quickly extinguishing the blaze.
Read about NCL’s impact
Script Your Future saved my life
Cincinnati resident Charles, 45, lost his computer business — and health insurance— during a time of economic downturn. A diabetic, Charles was now unable to afford his medication. He stopped taking it which made him seriously ill and put his life at risk.
Read about NCL’s impact
For a safer workplace
Jeremy is a fast-food worker who has been employed at a number of Chipotle restaurants in New York City. When he was just 20 years old, he took part in an NCL research project that revealed that management practices within the fast food chain were putting workers—and food safety for customers—at risk.
Read about NCL’s impact
Summer 2023 Updates
Health Advisory Council Summer Meeting Recap
The summer meeting was held on June 12th it was very well attended and feedback was excellent. In case you weren’t able to be there or watch remotely, here are the slides from the panelists:
HAC Meeting Slides Please note, there are embedded videos and a few build slides. The panelists and their topics were:
1. NCL HAC Overview
Robin Strongin
2. A Look Ahead: Congressional Action Aiding Adherence
Congressman Buddy Carter (R-GA)
Dr. Nimit Jindal, PharmD, Health Policy Director, Cong. Diana DeGette (CO-01)
3. A Look Ahead: Creating a Customer-Obsessed Healthcare Offering
Dr. Sunita Mishra, Chief Medical Officer, Amazon Health Services
4. A Look Ahead: The Evolving Role of the Marketplace and What Employers Want
Greg Baker, RPh, CEO, AffirmedRx (formerly known as EmsanaRx), a Public Benefit Corporation–A PBM that partners with self-funded employers.
Something New: We are Launching a Quarterly BROWN BAG Series 
September 14th
Noon to 1pm
NCL Conference room
1701 K Street NW
You bring your lunch; we bring the speaker.
Artificial Intelligence in Health and Medicine and what we need to know.
Hear From Bryan Young
Not only is Bryan and expert in this area, he is also an accomplished musician and a friend. We serve on several boards together and I am excited for you to meet him.
Please RSVP to Tirsit@nclnet.org
When RSVPing, please indicate if you will be attending in person or request a link to watch remotely.
Save the Date for our Health Advisory Council Winter Meeting
November 29
Lunchtime in DC
Decreasing Misinformation & Increasing Trust in Science and Medicine
Dr. Reed Tuckson will be joined by a panel of experts.
Surgeon General, Dr. Vivek Murthy, invited