We Listen, Educate, Advocate

Since 1899, NCL has been on the forefront of identifying consumer and worker issues as they emerge, helping consumers become their own best advocates, and fighting to enact positive change. Watch this video to learn more about NCL’s work.


We Listen

For more than a century, NCL has had its finger on the pulse of American consumers and workers to understand their needs, concerns, and challenges. Each year, we have both direct interaction with millions of consumers and commission original research on consumer opinion, knowledge, and behavior. We form partnerships and broad coalitions to hear from the many voices working together to keep Americans protected. These insights into the lives of consumers and workers inform NCL’s education and advocacy efforts so that we can respond and react to our constituents’ needs.

We Educate

NCL is hard at work helping consumers learn how to stay healthy, protect their money, and stay safe in the workplace–at all stages of life. We help teens prepare to be responsible adults with our LifeSmarts program; with Script Your Future, we educate patients, their caregivers, and their health care professionals about the importance of good medication adherence; through Fraud.org, we teach consumers of every age how to spot and avoid con artists’ schemes to take their money! Through our publications, programs, speaking opportunities, and social media channels, NCL is giving America’s consumers and workers the tools they need to become their own best advocates.

We Advocate

When we speak with a united voice, consumers and workers can have amazing power to make change, and that is what NCL has been doing since its founding in 1899—advocating for Americans who cannot always speak for themselves. Our Child Labor Coalition, for example, is working to eradicate the worst forms of child labor. Our food safety program has achieved more useful—and honest—product labeling through advocacy efforts. We’ve recently fought alongside other worker advocates to see inspiring progress in the minimum wage movement. NCL staff testifies before Congress and federal agencies, submits comments on issues the government is considering, and collaborates with like-minded advocates to advance the interests of consumers and workers.