Our Issues
Your Health
Changes to our healthcare system in recent years have meant new opportunities and challenges for consumers. Keeping America’s families safe and healthy is our goal, and with Your Health NCL has got you covered.
Topics within Your Health
- Food labeling
- Food safety
- Health care
- Health conditions
- Healthy living
- Medications
- Nutrition
- Safety
- Script Your Future
Your Money
With an ever-changing marketplace, getting the biggest—and smartest—bang for your buck is a tougher challenge than ever these days. We work across a wide array of issues to help you build and protect Your Money.
Topics within Your Money:
- Cars
- Consumer protection
- Fraud
- Fraud.org
- LifeSmarts
- Personal finance
- Policy
- Privacy
- Shopping tips
- Technology
- Telecom
- Travel / entertainment
Workers’ Rights
In the earliest days of workplace advocacy, NCL played a role in establishing the 8-hour workday and the minimum wage. Today’s workplace poses many new safety and fairness challenges across all sectors, and NCL continues to fight to protect and improve Workers’ Rights.
Topics within Workers’ Rights:
Food Policy
We believe that Americans deserve a safe, nutritious, and abundant food supply, with access to healthy food at reasonable prices. From food safety to honest labeling and fighting our growing food waste epidemic, NCL is working hard to help consumers make smart decisions to nourish their families.
From the Experts blog
NCL staff is hard at work for you playing watchdog on a variety of issues. Get to know the latest From the Experts.