NCL statement on Senate rejection of straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act – National Consumers League
July 26, 2017
Contact: Cindy Hoang, National Consumers League, (202) 207-2832,
Washington, DC–The National Consumers League applauds the Senate’s rejection of both the Better Care Reconciliation Act as well as a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act without a replacement. Both bills would have caused irreparable harm by stripping health coverage away from millions of Americans.
However, NCL notes that the debate is not over yet, and urges the Senate to reject the latest proposal that would repeal the ACA’s individual and employer mandates and the medical device tax. This would destabilize the individual market and lead to increased healthcare costs for consumers.
NCL calls on Senate Republicans to work together with the Democrats to improve – not dismantle — the Affordable Care Act, in order to ensure access to quality, affordable healthcare for all.
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The National Consumers League, founded in 1899, is America’s pioneer consumer organization. Our mission is to protect and promote social and economic justice for consumers and workers in the United States and abroad. For more information, visit