Happy Winter Solstice! Are you ready? – National Consumers League
In many parts of the country, late fall has resembled some of the worst winters on record. For those of us who live in colder climates — or even for those of us with more moderate winters and the occasional cold snap — winter weather can mean significant and sudden drops in temperatures and very serious winter storms. It is important to be prepared so that you can stay safe and healthy during the winter months. Infants and elderly are among the most vulnerable to life-threatening health problems when the temperatures drop.
Dangers range from power failures to icy sidewalks and snowy roads. Indoors, space heaters and fireplaces also add new dangers, as they increase the risk of household fires and carbon monoxide poisoning.
Everyone should be prepared for winter. Even if you live in a warmer climate, sudden drops in temperature that are near freezing are considered extreme cold and can be harmful to your health.