Door-to-door sales: Questions for consumers – National Consumers League
When a young salesperson comes knocking at your door, how can you tell whether it’s a legitimate sales company rep or a teenager who’s become involved in a dangerous traveling sales crew? The following tips can help you evaluate the situation, while keeping you – and the young worker – safe.
Stay Safe
be very cautious about allowing people into your home unless you have requested the sales visit or are familiar with the company.
if alone, don’t let anyone in your home.
make sure minors alone at home do not open doors to strangers.
Be Smart
if your community requires door-to-door salespersons to have a permit, ask to see it and don’t do business with anyone without it.
be skeptical of dishonest sales tactics often used by traveling sales crews, such as:
the salesperson is in a contest and will win prizes for making sales.
the company is a charitable, nonprofit organization, yet you’ve never heard of it before.
the sales benefit youth programs to help youth stay off drugs, learn entrepreneurial skills, youth empowerment, etc.
the salesperson refuses to take “no” for an answer and uses high-pressure tactics, such as intimidating or threatening customers or refusing to leave until they buy something.
read before you sign a sales agreement.
get a receipt for any purchase.
never pay in cash.
don’t assume you can cancel an order. Yes, by law, you should be able to cancel if the order is more than $25. But, unethical companies may not provide real telephone numbers to call in order to cancel an order.
Be Aware
if you suspect that the salesperson is part of traveling sales crew, don’t let them into your home and don’t buy their products.
contact the police to notify them that a crew is operating in your neighborhood. Provide them with the name of the company and the product being peddled.
contact the police if you are concerned about the youth’s safety, such as working in inclement weather, visibly ill, etc.
Standards Ethical Door-to-Door Salespersons Should Follow
Keep in mind the following guidelines for ethical sales:
Offers should be clear, so consumers understand exactly what they are buying and how much they will have to pay.
The order form should clearly describe the goods and quantity purchased, the price and terms of payment, and any additional charges.
Recipients and contracts should show the name of the sales representative and his or her address or the name, address and telephone number of the firm whose product is sold.
All salespersons should promptly identify themselves to a prospective customer and should truthfully indicate the purpose of their approach to the consumer, identifying the company or product brands represented.
A salesperson should obey all applicable federal, state and local laws.
A salesperson should explain the terms and conditions for returning a product or canceling an order.
Salespersons should not create confusion in the mind of the consumer, abuse the trust of the consumer, nor exploit the lack of experience or knowledge of the consumer.
Salespersons should respect the privacy of consumers by making every effort to make calls at times that best suit the customer’s convenience and wishes.
It is a consumer’s right to end a sales call and salespersons should respect that right.
All references to testimonials and endorsements should be truthful, currently applicable, and authorized by the person or organization quoted.
Product comparisons should be fair and based on substantiated facts.
A salesperson should not disparage other products or firms.
A salesperson should not try to make the consumer cancel a contract made with another salesperson.