Dive In! The Water’s Warm – But Is it Healthy? – National Consumers League
Clean Pools Required for Underwater Fun
By Tara Moore, Communications Intern
Summer swimmers, your time of year is here!
Let’s go over the checklist:
- Bathing suit? Check.
- Towel? Check.
- Waterproof sun block? Check.
- Sense-able swimming tips to stay healthy? Where are those?
Right here, at HealthyPools.org! Once again this summer, NCL has teamed up with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), WQ&HC (Water Quality and Health Council), ACC (American Chemistry Council), and APSP (Association of Pool and Spa Professionals) to educate the public about recreational water illness prevention.
These illnesses, also known as RWIs, have been increasing over the last decade in children, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems. The Healthy Pools partners are offering advice to help keep swimmers safe, whether in their backyard or community pool.
So before diving head first into any pool, use your senses!
Sight: Look for water that’s clean, clear, and blue.
Touch: Check for tiles that feel smooth and clean.
Smell: Make sure there are no strong odors.
Sound: Listen for pool cleaning equipment.
Leave your last sense at home, never “taste” (or swallow) pool water. Healthy or not, it’s still pretty icky.